Geography has a critical role to play in helping us understand and address some of the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. Here at Ulster, our expert and inspiring staff are passionate about making a difference. If you are too, then join us.
You’ll study everything from climate change to migration, natural hazards to sustainable development. We will train you to find solutions to the issues that matter, from the local to the global.
​3 Year BSc (Hons) | Optional Year Industrial Placement (DPP) | Optional Year Study Abroad (DIAS)
- Geography is the study of the Earth as the home of people. It concerns the disposition and interaction of people, resources and natural events, and places emphasis on cultural and social perspectives. It also explores the nature, scale and processes affecting physical features on the surface of the Earth, and the human element in global events.
- Our Geography degree provides a multi-disciplinary foundation in these areas and provides access to a wide range of careers. At Ulster, you have access to a range of human and physical geography modules, so you can tailor your degree according to your preference.
- A degree in geography from Ulster University opens many new doors in terms of your career choices. Geographers specialise in understanding and trying to improve society’s problems. In the degree programme at Ulster you will develop a range of quantitative and qualitative research skills, and address a range of human and physical geography issues; such as climate change, coastal erosion, conflict, development, and poverty.
- Our graduates are employed across a wide range of fields. Many have forged careers in environmental agencies, GIS, education, consultancy, town and country planning, and public administration.
- A 2010 poll of over 200,000 graduates from UK universities found that those with geography degrees had the lowest rate of unemployment six months after graduation of any discipline polled (Higher Education Career Services Unit).

BSc Geography
Geography is an integrated study of the Earth’s places, societies, environments and landscapes.
If you are interested in learning about the world in which we live and about pressing issues that affect us such as climate change, environmental hazards, conflict and social inequality, and sustainable development, then a geography degree is for you.
The discipline of geography is unique because it is the only university degree that bridges the social sciences and humanities (human geography) with the natural sciences (physical geography) in a coherent way.
Contact hours​ Typically 15 hours per week
Independent learning Typically 25 hours per week
Assessment Typically 15% by exam and 85% by continual assessment
Degree classification 30% contribution from second year and 70% from final year modules
It remains one of the most popular degrees to study at university and students enjoy the programme because of the insights they gain about the world around them.
Year 1: The Fundamentals
Skills Toolbox
Key Concepts in Geography
Society and Environment
Environmental Systems
The Biosphere
The Lithosphere
Year 2: Processes and Skills
The Atmosphere
GIS and Remote Sensing
Sustainable Planning
Geography Field School
Development, Environment and Society
Plus one module from these options:
Freshwater Systems
Coastal and Marine Processes
Ecology and Biogeography
Final Year: Applying Knowledge
Research and Professional Skills
Conflict Geographies
Plus three module from these options:
Environmental Change
Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing
Geographies of Transnationalism
Water Resource Management
Environmental Management
Duration: 3 years for BSc + 1 year for optional placement or study abroad.
Study abroad options: You will have the opportunity to study for a year at a university abroad. Options include a range of European countries, North America and partner universities in Australia and French Polynesia. On successful completion you will be awarded an additional diploma (DIAS).
Industrial placements: The industrial placement scheme gives you the opportunity to work for 10 months within an organization developing skills and applying knowledge. On successful completion you will be awarded an additional diploma (DPP). We have strong links with industry and government agencies, and a dedicated placement co-ordinator to help and advise.
What are the asking grades?
BCC at A-level (or equivalent). No specific subjects are required, although geography is preferred.
What happens if I don’t get the grades?
We offer a one-week bridging module for students who may not have obtained the necessary grades. The bridging module is held in late August on the Coleraine campus and involves field and laboratory exercises. On successful completion of a linked assignment, students may be offered a place on their chosen undergraduate course.
How do I apply?
Through UCAS. Course codes and additional information available on the UU Prospectus.
Can I chat to someone about the geography degree?
Please get in touch with our Course Director Dr. Suzanne Beech who will be happy to chat to you: s.beech@ulster.ac.uk
Our geography students find fulfilling and successful careers as teachers, geospatial analysts, surveyors, planners and more.
Some of our recent graduates are now working as: Teacher, GIS Consultant, Mapping Officer LPS, Aerial Surveyor, Data Technician, University Lecturer, GIS Analyst – Engineering Industry, Planner, Renewables Industry Hydraulic Modeller, Heritage Scientist, GIS Engineer – Transport Industry, GIS Analyst – Waste Management, GIS Officer – Public Sector, Geospatial Analyst, Flood Hazard Researcher, International Development Officer, Social Development Advisor, Catastrophe Risk Analyst, Air Pollution Specialist, Crime and Disorder Advisor, Hydrologist, Data Analyst, Telemetry Officer, Chartered Surveyor, Land Surveyor, Transport Consultant, Conservation Projects Coordinator, Head of Operations, Fundraising Officer, Business Officer, Cartographer
Conservation Officer, Recycling Officer, Landscape Architect, Nature Conservation
Officer, Transport Planner, Market Researcher, Climate Change Analyst,
Geomorphologist, Location Analyst, Meteorologist, Remote Sensing Analyst, Youth Worker.
Check out our careers blog​ to see what types of jobs and placements are available to our students, and read about the career paths of some of our graduates below.

GIS Consultant
Renewables Industry
After graduating from Ulster University I got a role as a Mapping and Charting Officer with Land and Property Services (LPS).
I then completed an MSc in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and went on to work for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service as an Information Analyst. I recently moved to Gaelectric as a GIS Project Officer, predominantly working on onshore wind farm projects.

Heritage scientist
3D Laser Scanning
After graduating, I completed a MSc in Heritage Science. My first job with Historic Environment Scotland involved 3D Laser Scan surveys on Edinburgh Castle and The Forth Bridge. I then worked for CyArk and was responsible for the collection and post processing of scan data, photography, and video recordings of heritage sites all around the world.
I now work for Russell Geomatics, specialising in surveys of heritage sites. These are carried out using 3D Laser scanners and other survey techniques I learned the fundamentals of during my undergraduate. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.

Geography Teacher
Northern Ireland
Heavily involved in youth work, coupled with a love for my subject led me to the realisation that I wanted to be a teacher. I now work as Geography teacher and absolutely love it. I believe Geography is an eye opening subject that leads people to have a greater understanding and appreciation for the world around them.
My geography degree set me up for one of the best careers on the planet (I may be slightly biased). Every day, I get to play a small part in shaping the lives of the next generation and all the while, teaching them to be sustainable stewards of the world around them - what a privilege.